Where Focus Goes, Wealth Grows!

Today, I want to talk about a simple yet powerful principle: Where energy goes, money flows. It’s a concept you might have heard, but let’s dive a bit deeper into how this plays out in real life and business.

Focus Your Energy, Reap the Rewards

First up, energy. It’s all about where you choose to direct your efforts. When you focus intensely on a project or a goal, you’re not just investing time—you're channeling your energy in a way that sets the stage for financial gains. This isn’t just theory; it’s a practice that many successful entrepreneurs and leaders swear by. When your energy is aligned with your activities, profitability often follows.

Investing Money to Propel Your Focus

Now, let’s flip the script: Where money flows, attention goes. Think about it—when you invest in something, be it a course, a tool, or an event, your attention to that investment intensifies. Why? Because you’ve put your hard-earned money on the line. For example, a €1,000 course demands more of your attention than a free YouTube playlist. You’re more likely to commit, participate, and extract every ounce of value from your investment.

Personal Insights: From Courses to Notion

In my own journey, I’ve seen this time and again. I once enrolled in a course to build a digital agency, which was actually €1K. While the agency didn’t materialize, the course reshaped my lifestyle and diet, leading to a healthier me, 15kg lighter, so for me it was more than worth the money. More recently, I invested €250 in a Notion template. Sure, Notion is mostly free, and yes, I could have created the template myself. But paying for it changed everything. It hurt a bit initially paying that much for a template, but now, I am driven to integrate Notion into every aspect of my life and work. This investment has not just paid for itself; it has revolutionized my workflow.

The Bottom Line

Investing—whether it’s your focus or your finances—isn't just spending. It’s about strategically placing your resources where they can generate the most impact. Sometimes, it’s not the direct outcomes of what we buy or spend time on but the indirect benefits that transform our lives.

Invest wisely. Where you channel your energy and money matters, and sometimes, the true value of an investment reveals itself in unexpected ways.



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